Saturday, August 3, 2013

I made it!

Hey y'all! I'm officially moved into my new home in Texas. Once I get all settled in the posts will become more regular again. Lack of internet doesn't help. I am excited to share all the happenings here in Texas with you through this next year. I'm sure I'll have lots of D.I.Y. posts coming your way since I just moved to a new place which needs some decoration love.

So unpacking is my new least favorite thing to do. Seriously somebody please come do this for me. I'm usually in a rush to unpack and get settled in but this time I'm procrastinating. Boxes just chillin in my room. Thanks plastic box for being my desk at this moment. Well I'm off to go spend more money to make my bedroom functional. Here is a sneak peak at the house. Can't wait to show you the inside decor!

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