Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Here it is! The 200+ 'likes' giveaway as promised from my jewelry line. 

The giveaway is for a pair of purple/blue peacock freshwater pearl earrings on sterling silver earring wires. 

Mandatory Entries:

Become a follower of Infinite Illumination 
Go to Abby Ann on Facebook and 'like'

Additional Entries: 

Check out my website and tell me what you like: Abby//Ann Website 
Spread the word by sharing this giveaway on your Facebook or Blog. 

*Make sure to leave separate comments for each entry. Please leave your email with your comments.

Winner will be announced next Wednesday!

Monday, April 23, 2012

10,000 thanks will never be enough

As I look around today I am humbled. What a beautiful day it is. At this moment I should be writing my paper that is due tonight but I felt the need to take this opportunity to express my thanks. As I am humbled I realize how thankful I am for all the things I have in this life. Too many times we take things for granted even when we try incredibly hard not to. I am so thankful for the way that I was raised and I'm so proud of the family that I am a part of. I have the most understanding loving parents in the world that I would never trade for anything. I have the most amazing brother and sister that I wish I could spend more time with. I am so blessed to have the friends I have and I cannot thank them enough for always being supportive of me. I do not know where I would be today with out all of the amazing people in my life always supporting me.

(quote from here)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Grandfather's clocks

My whole life I can remember my Grandpa collecting clocks. He has so many of them and they are so neat! Over Easter weekend I was able to take some photos of a few of them and I thought I would share them with you. I just LOVE them!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

simply let it go

Yesterday (Monday) I woke up in a terrible mood with a bad attitude. I was crushed by the feeling because I try so hard to let everything go. I really focus on being positive and keeping any stress out of my life. It was from a build up of being frustrated by things such as projects, summer plans, and to just lay it all out there unhappy feelings still come around from the breakup... and of course I had an 8 a.m. class to top it off! Our class was scheduled to go to the Reiman Gardens (a serene place full of gorgeous flowers/plants). I was really not in the mood, however once we got there and we started talking about what we were going to do (which was take pictures.. love it!) I started to cheer up a bit. Once I started taking the pictures and looking closely at the beautiful nature around me I realized that my stress/worry was slowly slipping away. I was back to the happy/positive me. As simple as it is I am thankful for that experience that made all the things that don't need to matter go away. I am planning to go back to the Gardens just to take in the beautiful view and relax...maybe read a book?? If you have any sort of place like this near you I suggest going there and letting the worries of life slip away.

Monday, April 16, 2012


Today I am going to introduce to you some of  my lovely sponsors! These ladies are all owners of fantastic blogs where you can learn about fashion, cooking, crafting, and everything inspiring. Make sure to take time and check each one of their blogs out, trust me you won't regret it.

Hey friends! My name is Rachel,and I blog over at [] My blog features outfits that are modest, AFFORDABLE.. and,I hope,cute! :D I love shopping at places like thrift stores.... Forever21.. and Target while I put together things in many different ways. I hope you will come say hello sometime! xoxo
I'm Annelise. Saucy, quirky, and I'm fairly certain I bleed glitter. I'm a brand new Christian, a mama to a bearded dragon, and a lover of flirty summer dresses. Come visit Aunie Sauce and spice up your daily reads!

I am Christy Lee. I used to be a hair stylist but now I am a stay at home mother to three little children. I am married to the man of my dreams and life sometimes feels too good to be true! But that is because I feel like happiness is all in your perspective. I love being a wife and mother and like to look stylish while doing it. 

Here is what my blog is about:: This blog is my love letter to my family. Sharing the immense love I feel for my three children and husband. It is about enjoying the journey of motherhood. Improving and strengthing our marriage and family. Embracing the chaotic days and learning to laugh. Documenting life's precious little moments. It is my thoughts and things I enjoy. My journey to making my life a better overall life. Having faith and sharing experiences. Showing that being a mom is the best job in the world. Welcome to our story.  Check out her blog here, C.Lee
My name is Hannah and 17 Inch Heart is my personal little inspiration haven! This blog is all about finding joy in the littlest everyday things that so often seem to be overlooked. Whether that joy be in a fun color palette, pretty pictures or my daily happenings- I'm just glad you are here to share it with me! Currently I am a student at the University of Colorado at Boulder, studying Marketing with a minor in technology, art & media, and a certificate in entrepreneurship- quite the mouthful right? The short, the sweet and the simple inspire me every day- I love photography and designing.

We are Harley & Jane. Best friends who met on their way to Vienna. We do everything together. Read. Talk. Party. And as we continue our lives we want it to stay that way. So we created this blog. That follows our thoughts and dreams. That way when we grow up we will still have a piece of each other. Wherever that may be. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

thoughts on my day

deep thinking face ;)

The sun is shining beautifully today. There isn't a reason that I can think of to be anything other than content. I am enjoying this Thursday sitting in my favorite coffee shop working on homework, eating a fabulous lunch, and reflecting on my life. If you would have asked me six months ago to go spend time alone at a coffee shop and reflect on life I would have said um.. no thanks. However, for the past five-ish months it seems to be all I end up doing. Constantly reflecting on what I am doing and if I am being the best person I can be. At times it is hard to be full of life and happy but 98% of the time I can do it. My message to all of you today is that yes there are many hardships and obstacles you will have in your life that is simply the way it is. The best thing you can do for yourself is to accept the fact that those things are going to happen and have happened and then let go of all that holds you down. Simply let it all go and realize how fantastic this life truly is. As they say... you only have this one life to live. I think once you realize how IMPORTANT that is you will learn to not take everything so seriously and you will be set free of all the negativity and hate that surrounds us in this world.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

inspiring thoughts on teaching

Many people simply think becoming a teacher is an easy career and that college life for education majors is a breeze and that anybody could do it. What is overlooked is the fact that there is a growing rate of poverty, childhood life issues, and uncaring families. Children in schools now face a lot more than they used to. Such as going hungry, not sleeping because of issues at home, and the list continues to go on. My point is that there are so many aspects to teaching youth now than in the past. Teachers put in a lot of heart and effort into their jobs and they are educating our future. It is a big job and not just anybody can do it. You have to have the right heart, the perseverance, a positive outlook on everything, and most of all you have to believe in every child that you encounter. So when I am feeling a little overwhelmed about going into this field I go to my computer and I watch this video. It speaks the truth with so much compassion and it gets me fired up every time.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

fabulous pintrest finds

GORGEOUS Black Rutilated Quartz & Pyrite Earrings
 CHIC multi-toned dress that I am in LOVE with!
   found here & here