Today I am going to introduce to you some of my lovely sponsors! These ladies are all owners of fantastic blogs where you can learn about fashion, cooking, crafting, and everything inspiring. Make sure to take time and check each one of their blogs out, trust me you won't regret it.
Hey friends! My name is Rachel,and I blog over at
[] My blog features outfits that are modest, AFFORDABLE.. and,I hope,cute! :D I love shopping at places like thrift stores.... Forever21.. and Target while I put together things in many different ways. I hope you will come say hello sometime! xoxo
I'm Annelise. Saucy, quirky, and I'm fairly certain I bleed glitter. I'm a brand new Christian, a mama to a bearded dragon, and a lover of flirty summer dresses. Come visit
Aunie Sauce and spice up your daily reads!

I am Christy Lee. I used to be a hair stylist but now I am a stay at home mother to three little children. I am married to the man of my dreams and life sometimes feels too good to be true! But that is because I feel like happiness is all in your perspective. I love being a wife and mother and like to look stylish while doing it.
Here is what my blog is about:: This blog is my love letter to my family. Sharing the immense love I feel for my three children and husband. It is about enjoying the journey of motherhood. Improving and strengthing our marriage and family. Embracing the chaotic days and learning to laugh. Documenting life's precious little moments. It is my thoughts and things I enjoy. My journey to making my life a better overall life. Having faith and sharing experiences. Showing that being a mom is the best job in the world. Welcome to our story. Check out her blog here, C.Lee 
My name is Hannah and 17 Inch Heart is my personal little inspiration haven! This blog is all about finding joy in the littlest everyday things that so often seem to be overlooked. Whether that joy be in a fun color palette, pretty pictures or my daily happenings- I'm just glad you are here to share it with me! Currently I am a student at the University of Colorado at Boulder, studying Marketing with a minor in technology, art & media, and a certificate in entrepreneurship- quite the mouthful right? The short, the sweet and the simple inspire me every day- I love photography and designing.
We are
Harley & Jane. Best friends who met on their way to Vienna. We do everything together. Read. Talk. Party. And as we continue our lives we want it to stay that way. So we created this blog. That follows our thoughts and dreams. That way when we grow up we will still have a piece of each other. Wherever that may be.